dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010


diumenge, 28 de novembre del 2010

English project

Sweet caroline

Where it began, I can't begin to know when / Quan va començar, no puc començar a conèixer quan
But then I know it's growing strong / Però sé que és cada vegada més forta
Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo / Oh, no era la primavera, Whoo
And spring became the summer / I la primavera es va convertir en l'estiu
Who'd believe you'd come along / Qui havia de creure que havia arribat al llarg.

Hands, touching hands, reaching out / Mans, tocant les mans, arribant
Touching me, touching you / Em toca, et toca
Oh, sweet Caroline / Oh, dolça Caroline
Good times never seem so good / Els bons temps mai semblen tan bons
I've been inclined to believe it never would / He estat inclinat a creure que mai es

And now I, I look at the night, whooo / I ara jo, em veig en la nit, Whoo
And it don't seem so lonely / I no sembla tan solitària
We fill it up with only two, oh / L'omplen amb només dos, oh
And when I hurt / I quan em fa mal
Hurting runs off my shoulder / Dany se surt de la meva espatlla
How can I hurt when holding you / Com em fa mal quan la celebració

Oh, one, touching one, reaching out / Ah, una, tocar una banda, arribar
Touching me, touching you / Em toca, et toca
Oh, sweet Caroline / Oh, dolça Caroline
Good times never seem so good / Els bons temps mai semblen tan bons
Oh I've been inclined to believe it never would / Oh, m'he sentit inclinat a creure mai

Ohhh, sweet Caroline, good times never seem so good / Ohhh, dolça Caroline, els bons temps mai semblen tan bons.

diumenge, 3 d’octubre del 2010

The animal in me.

The ocean dolphins are betwen two and nine meters long. They have a fusiform body and large head long snout and a single breathing hole, that many marine mamals have to expel the air or water. They are carnivores.
The dolphins live relatively close to the shore and often interact with humans. Like other whales dolphins use sound, dance and jump to communicate, navigate and reach their prey. They have six senses. Dolphins are often regarded as one of the smartest animals on Earth especially water. They are social animals that live in family groups and in places with abundance of food.
Dolphins have always had a close relation ship with humans.
I think that we are identical. I really like the water, I'm very friendly and I like jumping and dancing like dolphins.

diumenge, 19 de setembre del 2010

Summer 2010 is over :)

This has been one of the best summers I ever spent.
In july I went in an english camp called Max Camps of british summer in Vilanova de Sau. I met a lot of people all over Spain. Every day in the morning we did the workshops and in the afternoon we did three ours of english. One day we climbed to Taertet for 5 hours. During the camp we did some funny activities. The penultimate day we did the skate contest te winer was Dérek. The last day was very sad because we left all our friends back until next year.
In August, I spent many days in Peralada with Júlia and Agnès. We went every day to the swiming pool, also we went to see the Bacons. One day I went to Roses with Eva and Marina to see David Bisbal.
And thats all my summer.