dilluns, 7 de març del 2011

Romeo and Juliet (St valentine day)

1- Romeo and Juliet is a love story between a girl and a boy whose families are enemies. They died because their families didn’t want that they stayed as a couple. At the end, they died for love.

2- Verona.

3- Montague (Romeo) and Capulet (Juliet).

4- William Shakespeare.

5- Between 1591 and 1595.

6- Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brook in 1562.

7- Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because the two main characters died in the end.

8- Maybe if the couple are very in love but, we think that it’s a bit impossible.


We were both young / Nosaltres erem joves
When I first saw you / quan et vaig veure per primera vegada
I closed my eyes / vaig tancar els ulls
And the flash back starts/ vaig retornar al començament
I'm standing there / I estava allà de peu
On a balcony in summer air / en un balcó amb aire d’estiu

I see the lights / veig les llums
See the party the ballgowns / mires les festes I els vestits
I see you make your way / et miro fet un camí
Through the crowd / a través de la multitud
And say Hello / I dic hola
Little did I know / en saia poc

That you were Romeo / que tu eres en romeo
You were throwing pebbles / tu estaves tyrant pedres
'Till my daddy said Stay away from Juliet / I el meu pare va dir que t’allu nyessis de la Julieta.
And I was crying on the staircase / I jo plorava a l’escala
Beggin' you Please don't go / demanan-te siusplau que no marxessis.

And I said / I vaig dir

Romeo take me / Romeo porta’m

Somewhere we can be alone / a un lloc on puguem estar sols
I'll be waiting / estaré esperant
All that's left to do is run / tot el que vaig deixar per correr
You be the Prince / tu seras el prinecep
And I'll be the Princes / I jo sere la princesa
It's a Love Story / és una història d’amor
Baby just say Yes / babe només digues que si.

So I sneak out / llavor marxo
To the garden to see you / al jardí per veure’t
We keep quiet / va estar quiets
Cause were dead if they new / perque estavem morts si ells savessin
So close your eyes / llavors tenca els ulls
Just keep this down for a little while / escapa’t d’aquesta ciutat per un ratet.

Cause you were Romeo / perque tu eres en Romeo
I was a Scarlett Letter / jo era una carta escarlata
And my daddy said Stay away from Juliet / I el meu pare va dir que t’allunyessis de la Julieta
But you were everything to me /per`to tu ho eres tot per mi
And I was beggin' you Please don't go / I jo et demanava siusplau que no marxessis.

And I said / I vaig dir

Romeo take me /Romeo porta’m
Somewhere we can be alone / algun lloc on pugue estar sols
I'll be waiting / estaré esperant
All that's left to do is run / tot el que vaig deixar per còrrer
You be the Prince / tu seras el princep
And I'll be the Princes / I jo la princesa
It's a Love Story / és una història d’amor
Baby just say Yes / bebé digues que si.

Romeo save me / Romeo salva’m
They're trying to tell me how to feel / m’estan diguent com sentir-me
This love is difficult / l’amor és difícil
But it's real / Però és real
Don't be afraid / No tinguis por.
We'll make it out of this mess / farem for a tot aixó d’aquest embolic.
It's a Love Story /és una història d’amor.
Baby just say Yes / Bebé digues que si.

I got tired of waiting / m’he cansa’t d’esperar.
Wounderin' if you were ever comin' around / preguntant si vindries alguna vegada.
My faith in you was fading / la meva fè en ti s’està descontrolant.
When I met you on the outskirts of town / quan ho vaig trovar a les afores de la ciutat.

And I said / I vaig dir

Romeo save me / Romeo salva’m
I've been feelin' so alone / m’he estat sentient molt sola
I keep waiting for you / espero per tu
But you never come / pero may vens
Is this in my head? / és això al meu cap
I don't know what to think / no se què pensar
He kneels to the ground / ell es va posar de genolls al terra
And pulls out a ring / I va treure un anell

And I said / I va dir

Marry me Juliet / casa’t amb mi Julieta
You never have to be alone / no has d’estar mai sola
I love you / t’estimo
And that's all I really know / això és tot el que realment se
I talked to your dad / vaig parlar amb el teu pare
Go pick out a white dress / ves I posa’t un vestit blanc
It's a Love Story / és una història d’amor
Baby just say Yes / bebé digues si.

Cause we were both young / perquè tots dos erem molt joves
When I first saw you. / quan ens vam conèixer.