dilluns, 9 de maig del 2011


1. Include information about the song

· When was the song written?

The song “Seasons of love” was written in September of 1996 for Jonathan Larson.

· Who sang it first?

Jonathan Larson

· Was it a big hit?

No, it wasn’t. Seasons of love is a song of the musical of Rent and in Brodway had some expecutation, but out of the theater no. However, everybody knowns this song actualy.

· Any other interesting info? (records, interviews, photos, facebook page,...).

The song is associated with World AIDS Day and AIDS awareness, because four of the lead characters of Rent have AIDS. Seasons of love has been translated into multiple languges for the international productions of the musical.

2. What is the meaning of this song? Write the translation of the lyrics. In 20 words, what is the song about?

"Seasons of Love" is a song from the Broadway musical Rent, written and composed by Jonathan Larson. Both in the musical and in the 2005 film, the song is performed by the entire cast. The main question asked is, "How do you measure a year?" Various answers are suggested, from points of the day ("Daylights," "Sunsets," "Midnights,") to units of measure ("inches", "miles"), to everyday events ("cups of coffee") to more symbolic concepts ("laughter", "strife"). In the chorus, the song reaches the conclusion that love is the only proper measure of a year in a human life. In the stage production, the song is sung at the opening of the second act. The cast stands downstage in a straight line facing the audience.

The main theme of the song is how can you measure a year in the life. You can do it with minutes, miles, but above all, do it with LOVE.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes / 525.600 minuts

Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear / 525.600 moments per estimar

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes / 525.600 minuts

How do you measure, measure a year? / com podries mesurar, mesurar un any?

In daylights, in sunsets / en llum del dia, en postes de sol

In midnights, in cups of coffee / en mitjanits, en tasses de cafè

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife / en polzades, en milles, en somriures, en baralles

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes / 525.600 minuts

How do you measure, a year in the life? com podries mesurar, un any en la vida?

How about love? / què tal amb amor?

How about love? / què tal amb amor?

How about love? / què tal amb amor?

Measure in love / mesura-ho amb amor

Seasons of love / estacions d’amor

Seasons of love / estacions d’amor

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes / 525.600 minuts

Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan / 525.600 viatges per planificar

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes / 525.600 minuts

How do you measure the life of a woman or a man? / com mesures la vida d’una dona o d’un home?

In truths that she learned / en les veritats que ella va apendre

Or in times that he cried / o en les vegades que ell va plorar?

In bridges he burned / en ponts que ell va cremar

Or the way that she died / o amb la manera en què ella va morir

It's time now, to sing out / ara és el moment, per cantar fora

Though the story never ends / encara que la història mai s’acabi

Let's celebrate / anem-ho a celebrar

Remember a year in the life of friends / recorda un any amb la vida dels amics

Remember the love / recorda l’amor

(Oh, you got to, you got to remember the love) / (oh, has de, has de recordar l’amor)

Remember the love / recorda l’amor

(You know that life is a gift from up above) / ( tu saps que la vida és un regal des de dalt)

Remember the love / recorda l’amor

(Share love, give love, spread love) / comparteix amor, dóna amor, transmet amor)

Measure in love / mesura-ho l’amor

(Measure, measure your life in love) / (mesura, mesura la teva vida en amor

Seasons of love / estacions d’amor

Seasons of love / estacions d’amor

(Measure your life, measure you life in love) / (mesura la teva vida, mesura la teva vida amb amor)